Jens Thorhauge
Chief Executive Offier, Danish National Library Authority
1997- Danish National Library Authority, director general
1995-1997 The Danish Library Association, executive director
1989-1995 The Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, head of Department of Consultancy and Continuing Professional Education
1975-1989 The Royal School of Librarianship, Aalborg Branch, associate professor in history of literature
1971-1977 Aarhus University, Institute of Comparative Literature, assistant professor
Editor-in-chief: Nyt fra Nyhavn (the Danish National Library Authority's quarterly journal)
Editor (and founder) 1995-97: Danmarks Biblioteker (the journal of the Danish Library Association)
Co-editor (1979-89): Biblioteksarbejde (library professional journal)
International experience:
Since 1990 member of Standing Committe on Library Theory and Research in the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), frequent speaker at international conferences and seminars. Project manager of EU-study on European libraries in the information society. Project evaluator for the European Commission